Dubai,  Travel,  UAE

Dubai – The City of Gold

Dubai is one of the seven emirates that make up the United Arab Emirates. Located in the Southeast of the Arabian Peninsula, the city is one of the major tourist destinations in the world. Once used as an exile land, today Dubai is the shopping capital of the world. It is famous for providing a world class experience to its visitors. From its heart warming hospitality to cutting-edge architecture, from its expansive shopping malls to traditional souk markets, from its boutique hotels and courtyard cafes to 5-star luxury hotels, from the adventurous desert safari to nerve chilling snow park, from museums, art galleries and craft shops to surreal gardens and water parks with record breaking slides – Dubai has it all. The arid-desert converted into a breathtaking and dazzling city makes you wonder what human mind and hands are capable of. Owing to everything man-made here, Dubai is also known as ‘The Man-Made City’.  In the extravagant vibe of the city, you are simply spoilt for choices. Dubai has an arid sub-tropical climate, that makes it pretty hot and humid. December to April is the best time to visit. 

Gold – Gold – And So Much Gold

Dubai is also known as the ‘City of Gold’ due to the abundance and the extravagant use of gold. People of Dubai are obsessed with gold.

Gold  Souk Market in Dubai

  • There are Gold Plated cars and cell phones. The cell phones are even diamond studded. 
  • There’s a 24-karat Gold Hammam that involves the gold bathing ritual. Gold clay mask is applied on the body and the massage is done using gold infused essential oils. 
  • There are Gold-Spewing ATM’s from which you can withdraw gold in 320 different forms like gold bars, coins and even wearable jewellery in varying weights. 
  • Their Gold Souk market has 350 stores selling gold and diamond jewellery. 

Gold Souk Dubai

  • Dubai Government pays each citizen 2 grams of gold as a reward for losing 2 kilograms of their weight. Wow! 
  • Gold shopping in the city of Gold is recommended considering their competitive rates and purity of Gold. 

Dubai’s Best

Dubai Marina at Night

  • Burj-Al-Arab in Dubai is the first and only seven star hotel in the world. It is also one of the world’s tallest hotels.
  • Dubai is a home to the world’s tallest building – Burj Khalifa.
  • Dubai Mall is one of the largest malls in the world.
  • Dubai’s IMG Worlds of Adventure is the largest indoor entertainment theme park.
  • Dubai Aquarium Tank is the largest suspended aquarium in the world. 
  • The ‘Leap of Faith’ slide in Aquaventure water park in Dubai is the world’s tallest water slide.
  • The Dubai Frame, towering above the city’s skyline, is the biggest picture frame in the world.
  • Dubai Mall displays a 155-million year old fossil, famously known as Dubai Dino. It is one of the few fossils in the world that was excavated with almost all bones intact. 
  • Dubai made a gold chain to celebrate its 20 years and that ‘Celebration Chain’ became world’s largest gold chain. It was 5 kms long and 240 kgs in weight. 
  • Palm Jumeirah Island in Dubai is the largest artificial Island ever created in the history of humanity. 
  • Terminal 3 of the Dubai International Airport is the the largest airport terminal in the world.
  • The Dubai Miracle Garden is the world’s largest natural flower garden. 

A few interesting things you’ll find in Dubai only

  • The king roams around in the city without security. The number of his car is 1 and that’s how everyone gets to know his presence. 
  • Dubai police has the most luxurious cars in the world –  Bugatti, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari  McLaren, Mercedes-Benz Lamborghini and BMW i8, to name a few.
  • There’s a traffic jam of Supercars in Dubai. Ever enjoyed a traffic jam? In Dubai you will, if you love cars.
  • Camel Race is Dubai’s favourite sport. 
  • You can enjoy camel ride on the beach.
  • Camels and palm trees are revered in Dubai. The punishment for killing a camel or cutting a palm tree is a death sentence. 
  • Pets are a status symbol for the people of Dubai. The common pets here are lions, tigers, cheetah and other big cats. These animals live a lavish life with their owners.
  • Dubai is a very safe city for women. You can roam around at any hour of the clock and enjoy the vibes of the city fearlessly. 
  • There’s no eve-teasing, no road rage, no theft and people adhere to the traffic rules. 
  • Vehicles drive in their own assigned lane – Left, right or centre lane. If you look at the road from a height, these vehicles look like cute little toy cars.
  • Since the climate here is pretty hot and humid, all bus-stops constructed in Dubai are air-conditioned. 
  • Dubai follows a zero debt policy. That means if you don’t clear your debts on time, you can be imprisoned for life.
  • The city also boasts of zero crime rate. 

Futuristic Vision

Dubai has planned to beat its unfavourable climatic conditions. It has a vision of constructing a climate-control city named ‘Mall of the World’. The city will be a home to over 100 shops, restaurants, hotels, residences and leisure attractions. All this would be under one dome-shaped roof spread over 48 million square feet fully air-conditioned area. The goal is to give a much needed boost to the tourism in Dubai during summer months.  

I hope you liked this post and you are more excited about exploring more of this luxurious City of Gold. Please leave a comment below about your thoughts on Dubai. Thank you for reading!

If this was not a very heavy download, check out my post on ‘Top 10 things to do in Dubai‘. Well.. of course my favourite ones! 

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